new start

the c. blog, where are you c.? comments welcomed no matter about what...

Saturday, April 01, 2006


I was out jogging! after three weeks struggling with my self. just listening to pearl jam. ok, you wanted need an introduction into my world. my world of poor people broken lifes, never lived dreams, down going stars of intellect, forgotten heros, wise but despaired men, masters of zen. long time dead, and so on. you really want an introduction into this world, oh live better your dead life. I will start with education. education is a very important thing. don´t leave it to someone else, teach your son to learn to learn by his own. that´s the only advice I can give you. for now. locke has written a curious book on education, I read it but i don´t think his book is very good, argh, let´s forget about locke , this genius with a humbled mind but bad luck in life. this was locke, oh dear locke where are you now to see that you weren´t alone, I am just like you! just like you. I am so sick of all this mtv trash of all of my life. you wanna hear about education?? maybe later, the way you are doing it is not write, a child is the end of any marriage you should know that. the only responsibility you have is now only the child.
we are living in times of pornography and lack of discipline. people feel they can do anything after work, and in work. brittany daniel for example devoted herself to her role in SVH but didn´t realize it was just a role she became herself like jessica, living an unsatisfied life. I hope you understand me, you wanted to have lessons. here a photo of someone who didn´t make it. someone i do not like. ;) it´s me, so take it as a start, you always wanted to know how I look like ok enough for this post.


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