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Sunday, December 17, 2006

the world

I am often overwhelmed whether in fear or in admiration by being! what is this endless universe, with all it´s shinning and not shinning stars! I don know, and what do we search in it? we little creepy animals! We feel like we are strong and sophisticated because we know how to build cars and bombs and so on. But what is all our yelling in the silence of the universe, why can we hear , why can we think, all philosophy become so null and void, if you see things in this way, philosophy is making believe , not believe it´s self! philosophy lecturers will shake their head impatiently at this comment, yeah but we are nothing else then stardust, and Kant or Hegel or whatever you teach, is not as great as you think! That I had to yell out at the world! I am fascinated by nature, I am fascinated by being, the sky , with it´s clouds, seems to me above all poems! what I wann asay is that this world will mock and laugh on everyone who will try to be it´s ruler, call himself it´s ruler, so better be humble! wow now I became pretty mystic, what!
But this whole view bears also fear in it, we cannot feel little and nothing. I often get fear by all that talk how old the universe it! let it in peace! I want to cry out, and let me in peace with it! So what is this mystery at all? I don´t know.
My odd keyboard is using this ś , where does it come from? I have to push twice the ´ button to make it ´s and not ś. really weird! damn my pc! haha, ok, enough weird thoughts! be happy, and nice Christmas time, harry


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