new start

the c. blog, where are you c.? comments welcomed no matter about what...

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Hello everyone, how are you? first of all thanks walkover for your comment, you are definetly the person that keeps this blog alive. Today I had a day off. I was out, working out a little bit and then doing some office stuff, and then getting back home, meeting my carer and so on. So it was a pretty normal day, except the case that it´s now foggy outside. Right now I will cook sth. with my roomate but he is on the phone, so that I will blog a little bit. but otherwise I don´t know what to blog about. what I abhorr totally is empty talk. talking is silver, silence is gold, is a spell here in Germany. Well that is maybe not always the case. But nonethe less I like the spell. Tomorrow I will stand up already and live again my daily life! for which reasons and why? I really don´t knoooow! ok, I hope to blog next time better, harry

Sunday, December 17, 2006

the world

I am often overwhelmed whether in fear or in admiration by being! what is this endless universe, with all it´s shinning and not shinning stars! I don know, and what do we search in it? we little creepy animals! We feel like we are strong and sophisticated because we know how to build cars and bombs and so on. But what is all our yelling in the silence of the universe, why can we hear , why can we think, all philosophy become so null and void, if you see things in this way, philosophy is making believe , not believe it´s self! philosophy lecturers will shake their head impatiently at this comment, yeah but we are nothing else then stardust, and Kant or Hegel or whatever you teach, is not as great as you think! That I had to yell out at the world! I am fascinated by nature, I am fascinated by being, the sky , with it´s clouds, seems to me above all poems! what I wann asay is that this world will mock and laugh on everyone who will try to be it´s ruler, call himself it´s ruler, so better be humble! wow now I became pretty mystic, what!
But this whole view bears also fear in it, we cannot feel little and nothing. I often get fear by all that talk how old the universe it! let it in peace! I want to cry out, and let me in peace with it! So what is this mystery at all? I don´t know.
My odd keyboard is using this ś , where does it come from? I have to push twice the ´ button to make it ´s and not ś. really weird! damn my pc! haha, ok, enough weird thoughts! be happy, and nice Christmas time, harry

can´t get rid of this blog

I dedcided to stay at this blog and have the other bolg as my second blog. Walkover was disappointed that I hadn blog so long, hmm, ok, I will blog for this reason tonight twice or trible! A tribble double is an admireable thing in basketball, but i will not now discuss what it is, i want to talk about the need of each of us to be who we are.

We are all born as humans, we speak a language and most of us learn also writing or reading, I say most, because I guess 20% of world population cannot read or write. So we start all with the same possiblities , except those who are born with a disability. Some of us gain earthly matters and feel for this reason superior to others. But in our modern times the call for perfectness is everywhere. You need the perfect body, the perfect look , but this is not the end, you need the perfect car, the perfect house and the perfect friends, the perfect life run, and so on. And at last you need th eperfect thoughts. Bad thoughts are so tabu, for someone who wants to be perfect. So everyone has to give up his individuality to be part of this perfect world, that some dumb people has created. My start of my new blog has been such a try to apt to the prefectness of the world. In a world where just everything has to FUNCTION, I have here and there also the desire to function, but we have overseen that functioning is not life, we can make all people look the same, like all supermarket workers wear the same dress, but we cannot make so the persons better. We are getting more and more lik ecomputers, who should all do the same.At all the cry for perfectness is there, whether it comes from the computer industry or not , this does not matter. But we should know we all have our failures, we are not born to be angels, angels belong into the heaven, we are still on earth. But nowadays people believe you can earn heaven! do this and that and god will save you, but is this not arrogant? Is this not God´s grandeur to sqave us?
I at all have give up to be perfect, so I stick to my unperfect blog! haha, so much talk for this little decision! I am reeeeally a fearful person! harry

Saturday, December 09, 2006

new blog

every beginning is also an end.

here my new address, my new blog :

hope to have some visitors.

Saturday, December 02, 2006


It´s a common opinion, that hardship makes you strong. Hardship make you wiser , stronger and more compotent. This is th e opinion that normally hear when I talk about my problems, the other opinion is that everything is getting better, that things will get better. What is actually behind hardship, why does people think it will make one tougher? First of all I think that it will lead to drug dependency or other negative forms of stress dealing/ relief, if you are not prepared for that. So it´s maybe important in th education of the young kid, to prepare him for hardships. It does not mean that every kid gonna face hardships, it´s just mean, that everyone should be prepared for though situations. There is a kind of hardship that does educate you, but it will not always make you a better person. generally I am not the opinion that hardship makes persons tough. This is first of all a propagnada tool. So th eyoung guys f.e. go into Iraq because they think they can learn there sth. about life, the can get in connection with the eterenal values justice, peace and freedom. So I have to say that I reject the simple point, that hardship will make you tough. I cannot believe that the father shouting or hitting his kid, is doing any good to him. Anything that does weaken you, make you scared of death. Because you have the feeling you have made a step toward your end. So I don´t believe it´s the task of life to overcome hardships, a lot of literature is still based on this theme, they call themselves inspiring. But I cannot not deny that there can be hardships in life, so the ability to overcome them, is a great plus in life. But here more then anywhere else does the words of Michael Jordan count: " Lead by examples!" yeah lead by examples! There I people in my life who never talk on moral, but at the end, they taught me on moral then anyone else preaching the whole day! It´s these confusing days, we need more then ever EXAMPLES, examples that we can follow. so be in your life always an example for others, try! thanks ,me harry.