new start

the c. blog, where are you c.? comments welcomed no matter about what...

Sunday, April 30, 2006



hey walkover how was your lecture ? was it good? today a boring day, life is so complicated... have not much to write, will soon deal with my linux book, then visit a friend, that´s all, have fun harry

Friday, April 28, 2006


hy walkover, I just cannot write without having someone in my mind. the people at your job , must be really morons! yesterday I finally installed my mplayer. of course I did it not my own! my chat friend gave me what to type in in the terminal, that´s sth. windows not have a command line. and I can tell you it was not easy. but now I can view all formats! avi, mpg, mpeg, and so on. but yesterday wasn´t really a good day, I have since two weeks this recipe for pills on my desk, and still have not get them! that´s annoying, then I have to call my health insurance and ask sth. I have still since two weeks not done! that´s all a little bit annoying. at work, people are nice, but they don´t understand me really, for them failure is a unknown word and they let you feel that. I am a psycho, damn when will they understand that. people at work do like they like they work, but they don´t know they are ... ah I am getting like my father, who always complains about his job, he never could talk TO us or about sth. else!
I still ask myself, how and especially in which direction can I change my life!?
so tomorrow will be your great day! that´s cool, am I sure you will do it well. here today is a sunny day, finally! have to go harry

Thursday, April 27, 2006


last night I was up till one o´clock, I try to figure out, why my friend the linux expert, couln´t get on my pc! damn I was going to get mad, and we couldn´t solve the problem, sth. with my damned rooter! now a new day, can´t wait to be home again and look for mails, and this rooter problem, so am I , want to be home before the day at all had started. job is not really nice, it´s all so impersonal. I would like the odd stuff I am doing, if the people would just care about me! have somehow really to change my life. flatrate is great. have deleted my photo, I think it causes problems during posting. any way stay everyone well, every comment still welcomed and question of course too. harry

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

so much

I wanted to do soooo much when I had flatrate, now I am still doing nothing! haha, have lend some linux books, hope to deal with them soon, I wish I could post like walkover always a page long and on one theme. so much for now


hmm another morning, another day, it is making me tired, each day is the same . harry

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


in this world there are always two parties, th ewinning and th eloosing, I want to belong to the loosing part,because I don´t like th ewinners attitude but I don´t know that it´s so hard, I just thought you loose and dy, but it´s a slow death, a noending suffering , what to do? harry

too hard

life is too hard, all those who swore on success, oh you don´t know life! death our all fate, why do you make it so difficult to me! harry


This blog needs a change, in this walkover is right, I will put my monologue at , as I cannot live without it. today I finally get my broadband internet access, and a flatrate, that´s really a relief. especially as the costs for the internet was steady growing. but it was really a mess to get it work, my superfriend the linux expert had installed such a firewall we couldn´t even attach to the rooter! but fortunately he had give us the delete command, so we deleted the firewall, then we have to give in the data and numbers and we had to start three times new, then we still was offline, so we go again through th einstallation , I have typed in somewhere a number wrong. this time it worked and we were online! but at the end my friend said linux users are masochists, and he is somehow not wrong! still I want to stay with linux, because a mac is just too expensive. that would be the solution I would prefer most! but don´t ask me about windows , windows and me it´s just like fire and water! so this had been the adventures of today. will now make use of my flatrate. downloading I am not doing much, what should I? movies I can still not watch, audio? don´t know, have enough music on cd!at allwish all a nice evening, harry


hy everyone can soemone give me a hint how to continue my monologue with this stranger no one know, even not I, only from seeing,
today I will get my flatrate, haha, and next month a new pc!for 250 € , damn life can be soooo good, intership sucks, I just feel like the last idiot. but the way to oit is good, I met always at least one good looking girl! haha, have fun, harry

Monday, April 24, 2006

hey you

hey you, where are you, I miss you and think of you, times will come where we are together, times will come, I admire you, could never hate you, whatever you do to me, people are people don´t care about them, have a nice attitude towad everything, be what you are, stay where you are, but at the sam etime walk away, so you will reach me, without hurting my proud, still on the hunt for a message from you, I will one day suceed, and then I know it all has not been vain. the blog under is not really so good as i thought, take care, harry

a blog

follow th elink above visit nice blog!


I finally have my new os. it´s kubuntu, a linux distribution. and a chat friend has already installed a firewall! I was so overjoyed having this new system! and tomorrow I will get broadband, then I will take a look aroung in the internet. don´t know why I am so delighted of my new system, but it really get me overjoyed yesterday. so I have for now nothing to say, the new sylver video is out and I watched it already, it´ s great, and silvy is like always good looking! hmm just waiting for broadband! I love you, harry.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

sundays post

hy c., I was today again feeling confused, it ´s just the feeling you are stucking in your life. I wish you could have become more in this life! It´s the pity we dy before we can fulfill our mission, you understand me? it´s getting harder and hareder to talk to you, I just hope for something new from you! visit my cassirer blog, it will give you much, all the things you NEED, believe me! I know you need few things, but soemtimes one can just get nothing! that´s how life works! you can not always blame it on you! please keep up the faith in yourself. have today a damned spam poster, sir I don´t know! how can such an idiot be a sir? at all people are so proud of being a sir, it is just too much for me. you know I love you, and so on, have a nice sunday, wherever you are! your harry

Saturday, April 22, 2006


why does we also hunt after love? I am sick of that. but beeing sick of that is not the solution, I think so. I wanted always to have a girl as friend! because then your friendship can also contain tenderness, but nowadays people are all like samurais, take or leave it , is their motto! go to bed with a women you like or do not care about here! to be true, I could never establish in real life a friendship with a women, and I was have the feeling that would have been a great source of happiness, but what can I do?? harry


what makes one crazy? surely thinking for reasons why everything not goes well! and damn brittany daniel looks good! harry

Friday, April 21, 2006


I can see if someone from a blogspot blog has looked at my page, that´s your chance! get your blog, I know I am... check still out the cassirer blog! harry


dreamed crazy dreams! but normally they become true! does not feel good! It´s just a fake life I am living! hope you read this! we could have been friends, now we are just frustated blogger, I know you do the same stuff I do! harry

Thursday, April 20, 2006


I am depressed, too much nonsense in this societies! not depressed of me, but of the low mind of man! that´s all shit! people don´t want to listen my opinion, because they feel offended, so no one talk to me! that the punishment of the society for honest persons! dear, live somehow, it doesn´t matter how, thank you so much for your support, so sick of people´s talk, so in need of you! but you are far away...


you are right. all this does make no sense, I should have stopped as I received no answer! harry

different things

still I am annoyed that dietmars page is off. I think he himself is on holidays. That´s a possible reason why he is saying nothing, at all I have to wait! more and more I am loosing my mind. often feelings about beeing nothing worth, even more the more feeling of beeing wicked. I know in these times no one is interested in that, but these times are mad times. have now started a german blog, they will all end up, having me no time to care about them. about what does I actually care? about nothing? having this feeling, that my own affairs had become unimportant to me. hate so much my carer, the whole world, what is this life worth! selfconfessed walkover is trying to change the world. I wish I still had the strength for such ideals. of course I want too, to change the world, but it goes like typing 100 pages and still don´t know what will happen to them. ok, so much for now, I try to think of you! damn relationship is such a duty! your harry

when you sit alone
and have no idea of zen
don´t bother , it´s me!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

dietmar 2

I ma getting crazy! I typed 100 pages in this pc and now it seems as it has been for nothing! his e-mail address just shows errors and I am getting back all my mail! man I will need some time to come over this, I don´t think something has happened to dietmar, but still I am frustrated, seems like I will never speak to this guy! I could call him! but I will wait! he has my e-mail address and can e-mail me, when sth. is! it´s just shocking me, that I can do nothing! what a s***


As I have some time, I will practice a little bit my writing abilities. I will type each day one page, and write about this and that. I hope this idea will work, so that at the end, there is kinda small book, that resolves from my posts, you can print these posts and read them again, that´s actually my intention. as I see people does visit this blog, they are also welcomed to have an insight in my thoughts, but in the first case I write for you, if someone can take advantage of it fine, if not also fine! That does now sounds paradox, but you know it is not. Today at internship it was a little bit hard, harder is the situation at home, I am always by my mother, I do not like my roommate, it´s really a problem, and I do not feel able to search another place, my carer has said that we should sooner or later do that. so soon I will have to call people and ask them to visit the rooms they have to offer, these small things just drive me crazy, I am now 27 or 26 I don´t know, no 27, and am doing a shit of internship! That ´s sometimes so embrassing! something in my life has gone wrong. people think so much about studying and working! I never thought that way! I always felt contempt for the mass of tasks you get on college! be glad you never had to do that. the best are damned to fail in this society! how can you just throw your life away on sth. so dumb! I told to myself in ealier days, and now it has come very worse! yes I proved that n^2 +n+1 is always a primenumber, but throw the proof away, so what would happen when I had not thrown it away! I the looser, who will listen to him! you know I could have achieved much more, but that has not happened! I appreciate it a lot that you do understand that! it´s curious how similiar we feel, also worlds does devide us! c. I always feel uncomfortable about my future! it´s not like pains will make you thougher. hope you are ok, harry!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


my dear friend dietmar, has given no sign of life! hope he will soon fix his internet problem. really makes me depressed. so today a nice lady, just asking me, if everything at her was natural! but still who cares? am very depresssed as I cannot mail dietmar, and besides he wants to care for my book, and now he is completely off. I learned him known accidently on a forum of an author, hope to hear soon from him, otherwise my dreams of a own book, are gone, and still a great friend I will be missing. how can a domain disappear from one day to another, have still to learn in this internet. ok , so much for now, have not received for long no comment! maybe it´s me I am posting too much! thanks harry.

good morning

I will take my time for a good morning post. the sun is shining through the clouds, I am again listining to lasgo, and in 20 min I have to leave home. life is hard darling. the e-mail address of the person who wants to care about my book, doesn´t function anymore, he seems to have some hostproblems, I hope this is only an internet problem. I mean nothing happened to him, I do not dare to call him. as I never had done. but why is his internet address gone, that´s really curious, hope he will soon fix it. I hope to hear this afternoon from him. anyway by the time he will realise that his internet address is down, and get a new e-mail account, his host is , and this is unknown to the delivery system. as well I posted there the whole time, this is really frustrating. this internet seems not to be as perfect as I thought, besides it´s wickedness. have also lost my linux cds! that really a shame and can become a problem! so much to my mornings problems. still why has the adria... host so many problems, I hope soon to know! harry.

Monday, April 17, 2006


follow my conversation with a friend of me, at , it´s about philosophy. and please do not mention this blog. this is only for the one person! hehe

new photo

new photo of me, please keep fanatic enthusiasm in limit! ;)

the comment

please read the comment in my last post and tell me whether this is spam! I want to activate the letters conformation, but that´s so annoying for the poster. it feels like you are registering for an e-mail account! no, I left all as it is. hope I never get bad comments, that´s sth. this page do not deserve. easter is soon over, watch today an old chuck norris film, does not like some parts. it´s about mafia, and so much of it is true. still have to write an email. how are you doing? seems I will not get message from you, so soon. ok, enough for now, have still to prepare for tomorrow. thanks everyone for reading, harry


I am going now for a serious post. I do often feel bad, and I do not know how to manage it. At work I feel uncomfortable, with friends I feel uncomfortable, I cannot say what I want to say, at my flat I feel uncomfortable and so on. I wonder where this general uncomfortableness comes from. It is maybe that I started my life with so much hopes and then had to recognize that this society will give you no chance. no chance of becoming your own. nowadays people are comfortable when they are not criminal, but that´s not sainity for me, I want to live even for higher ideals, then just fit into some norms! you understand me probably, just obeying rules is not right, we saw it 1939 in Germany and elsewhere in history you can find it too. I have daily outbursts of worry, they just make me unable to do anything. this way of life I never dreamed of, to be called some one minor of worth, or of intellegence without any reason. I am disappointed , disappointed of philosophy, of math too, of the modern ideals of man. disappointed also of goethe, of the modern world. I read max born, he is maybe the only one I am inclined to. he had a sharp mind, but still I can not find satisfaction within him. what does my constant dissatisfaction with culture mean? I never thought to meet a women like you. I never thought to trust a girl. that mean, to trust her in love. when you are in love you have the feeling that it´s nice , but that you are just lying to yourself. but the last feeling I have not with you, because I CARE about you. people always demand sth. of me, this and that. Can´t they see I am unable to give. why there then call themselves friends of me? everything is so curious. If you have no joy to live, why should you live? what can motivate you? I will here not talk about the kants idea of duty, I do not like or believe kant. How could such a person be considered as the greatest philosopher of all time?? that´s what I have to write, your always harry.

in the mood of writing

hello hope you are fine, missed at all the chuck norris film, doen not matter! had a curious dream about working in a bank and doing everything wrong! I hate these dreams, the rest of the night I dreamed of you, can you not once leave a comment here, so I know that you are existing! but how should I know you are the right one!? hope everything is fine with you, and you reading this. I dream a lot of you. also I dream of other stuff too, I had in no one such a trust then I have in you, it´s a pity I cannot influence your life, that ´s a hard lesson I have to learn. always thinking when I had not thrown away the proves, you know what I am talking about... tomorrow again internship, you know it´s not the right thing for me, but thats life, we have all to learn and to bear! have a new cd from LAsgo, far away, still waitnig for the new sylver album, to all those who are reading this blog, thank you, you help keeping it alive! my moms house is so empty with her beeing on travel, I seldom am at my own home, as I do not like my mate with whom I have to live, have sooner or later to move away, soon I will have my flatrate, that will be fun. what else can I tell you? for now nothing.

Sunday, April 16, 2006


damn had I boring days, brittany daniel online is still down. I am the only one who can post there and CFIY . pretty boring! and received no e-mails! it´s so boring. and I am not able to find an interesting blog, where I can post a comment. posted on one of this idiots who first have to give the post free, had I know that , I would not have done, how paranoid can a person be!? but these people exist, and if you are the one reading this, don´t read further, you made me really angry, just because you have published a book, makes you not wise, and what a shit you wrote about cassirer, damn where did you learn reading?? hope to keep this blog free of snobs, who do philosophy! nothing against normal snobs. at all, I am bored, wanna know finally if my book will be published. In our times people make so much hopes to one, but then... wow, wow, I have now a real long post. others wish to have sth. welse long, sorry I just couldn´t resist this comment. have fun, your harry


I will have in two weeks my flatrate and broadband! have nothing to write, what do you want to hear? still waiting for some photos of you. your harry.


I am shocked how much fanatic blogs there are on the web. seems I am a great exceptation. will you marry me? ;) haha, ok, have to go.


good morning darling, isn´t it a nice day??? so could my life be, but it is not. it´s more like, oh another new morning. and there is no darling in this life. today chuck norris is on tv, will not miss, hope I am not gonna fall in sleep, as it comes at 11 p.m. , no one wants to see chuck movies at 10 p.m. or 8 p.m. just listening to Lasgo, they have a very good looking singer, seems to be a necessity in this buisness, I like her. check lasgo at google if you are interested further. still no post on the education section. still wondering whether my book will be published or not, the last time I believe it will I was in mistake, still have to wait, writing allready at a new book. please check also , there I will publish my philosophic thoughts. hope so! as you can see I am someone full of plans! but normally they do not develop. so will see that I post sth, in the cassirer blog. have fun, whereever you are, and whatever you have to do! harry

Saturday, April 15, 2006

again the counter

me and my counter are becoming a real story of it own, you cannot follow someones activity becuase the id always changes or so, so much for that, so be calm, anamyous surfing is still possible everywhere. ;) am at all disappointed. but still it´s fun to have an counter 14 people on two days , that´s not bad. but had they looked at the page, I am really very stuffed with vanity! all my posts are about this counter, I think I am gonna marry it. ok, tomorrow the marriage bells will ring, me and my counter, I know I am not funny. have fun, harry


this counter is driving me crazy, just too much hits (27) and I am completely confused, what is what! oh my god, wish all who visit here a good easter. harry


I am getting through the counter evidence that you are not following this blog, that´s really sad, I hope I will overcome it, at all as I said I get used to this blog, so I will keep it alive. the most time someone was on these sides has been 38 seconds! that´s not much , normally people stay 0 seconds! that ´s a pity. at all I hope to post further... have a nice time harry.

new start

new start
can somehow not get on my bashboard, it refuses my login. at all more and more I get evidence that you do not follow this blog, through the counter I have installed. that´s really sad, you were a great insparation in my life... and so on, it´s time to be sad! thanks harry


hmm, couldn´t resist to look at the blogcounter page, what a bad promise. ok, if you visit here regularly I will see it, but I don´t think you are visting, or have anytime visit this site, but now I have get used to this site, I cannot leave it. harry


hmm probably the counter will frighten you, so I will make no more use of the statics part, promise, also it´s hard. things are always so complicated. so if you enter this side, you will appear once down there, in the counter, but I will then not follow how often people visit here. ok? modern technology sets one always in front of decisions! maybe I will get today broadband and a flat! hope my mother will make it. everything fine with you? I should maybe remove the counter. oh this counter, it makes me sick! I guess during the day 5 people visit this site. and from this 5 one read sth. wow I am such a mathematician. I hate mathmatecians, higher maths, so if one of you is an einstein follower please leave and never come back again, piss off, that maybe the language they understand, besides their curious formels, that EXPLAIN the world, yeah sure. it explains just how dumb they are. haha, sorry I needed this offence, I am so sick of science. ok have a nice easter time harry the mad one!

Friday, April 14, 2006


had success pasting in my website the counter! isn´t that great! ? now I can watch how many people look at this blog. I hope they are not too much. hehe. beeing really curious if you are under them. am always annoyed by the young criminals who are running here around, they are really mad. hope they gonna dy. at all one day they will do. I know I sound childish, but there is bitter irony behind it. the situation between iran and usa is getting worse. both countries are just mad. all politicians who think they RULE over others are mad. that´s my opinion and I will not step back from it. no, not even for your sake. ;) life is hard, I have always and always to say. but death is even harder. I remember the days well where I only weighted 70 kilo, will try from tomorrow on to come back to those days. it´s just a question of discipline!!!!!!!!!!!! I know I am talking too much about this theme. get today a mail about a happening in austria, there the state has without a trial or anything thrown out a family out of their house. the whole has a background, the father of the family is an investigator, and has probably come too close to some state secrets, then the judges have just tortured him this way.! this is really awful news. ok I will not make the post too long, it´s hard to read online long texts!thanks dear, your harry!


life is hard, that is something I have now to recognize. had again a comment on my blog, thanks, very nice one. comments are always inspiring. I hope you read this all and learn sth. out of it. slept 5 hours today, out of boredom, so I am really annoyed by my own, what else can I say. I have aims, but no means to reach them. some people think they can resist death, let them think, but don´t admire them for that, an example, hollywood. the boredom of our time comes from lack of selfdiscipline I think. still have posted nothing in the eduxation blog, good things need time, don´t hurry. I think now I have said a lot, so till next time. have fun, harry.

Thursday, April 13, 2006


it´s easter! a christian thing, but at all I have some days off. my pragmatic is going through with me when it comes to work, otherwise I am very idealistic, my education blog, what it´s address,, will be soon updated, please check it out. it´s a breakthrough in human culture! still do not believe in einstein. waiting for photos from you. getting always this spam mail from yahoo. what a shit. internet is just shit. work, another thing that is shit. oh man, I am so funny today. checking each day this blog for comments, will you not send one?? my visitors who posted a comment, have till now not dared to post further! ?? and somehow my counter is dead, I have no new views at my profile since 2 months. ok, dear, have a nice easter time, and do not eat too much rabbits, your harry.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


in bad mood today. have to get rid of my carer, she is worth nothing! have somehow to manage life my own, but that´s not easy when you are kicked out of life, I need some encouragement, some hope in this life. I have difficulties to overcome, iwish I would nott have. wrote the nadann, finded nothing special or maybe yes? wish you are happy, I am broken, too left out from society to love someone. have to realize what life is ABOUT. so often beeing disappointed by the people, so disappointed from modern lifestyle. peopel even hit you when you are on the ground, they want to KILL you. yeah in killing Germnans have experience, and in lying. what th hell am I searching in this country! I didn´t want to go to the psychiatry, what the hell are the people believing who they are, I do NOT feel any sympathy for the west, all this f... about terrorism and war. fight the terrorists, but see also that this not make you saints! no more killers. what you always have been. sorry this rough language, but I do not want to be cheesy. it´s no you I am complaining about. I know you love me. and I love you. just let pray for each other before sleep, or somehow during the week, day. I love you, no one will replace you. have fdun, get wise! hehe your harry


how dumb can people be. it´s irritating that one cannot build up relationsships in the net, you hear once of someone and then never, making always the effort to speak to people! I will leave it, who is reading this and not commenting, is fine, ok, I can live with that, but leaving messages on other blogs and never get an answer that ´s too much. for which sake do they write??
on education. i know you have a little son, so I will tell you some things on education. first of all, do not get him used to your body heat, that will make him soft and without an own will. show him more the way of an intellectual love. care for him what belongs to his bodily needs well, but feed him with sane food, healthy food, that´s really important. so much for now, hope you are well. I love you, harry


it´s a new morning, I will wait for todays nadann. our love , our connection is so irreal, I am so tired of all my chat partners, can´t stand this online stuff, they bring fun, and then frustations. yeah I used the plural to point out, what I feel, am so confused, so worried, hope to see some new photos of you. wish I could be a famous person, could won a math prize, but I do not even manage my math study! ?? you know what I mean, since I realized people are reading this side, I am more careful, the effect of humans on me. darling, have a nice day, spoke you soon, harry

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


saw yesterday by a friend a dido dvd, reminded me too much of my bad experiences at dido forum, also I had good experiences there too, at all I asked my buddy to put in another dvd. bd online is a little bit better. how are you doing?? waiting for tomorrows edition of nadann, I hope I will not be disappointed, I know I am crazy. ok, so much for now. keep the mind high?? harry.

Monday, April 10, 2006


saw the little man trailer, brittany daniel looks great, but a too childish role for her! that´s my opinion.


had a surprising and a little bit annoying visit. am so tired, all over the time, what is this life? I often ask myself, wish could change something , but nothing changes. hope your well, somehow mention this too often in the previous posts. so maybe you are not ok. ok, will maybe write later. harry


today again a day on internship, miss you a lot, think sometimes I am crazy, we cannot reach eachother, because you wanna stay ananymos, that´s a pity. hope everything by you is fine. by me everything is just crazy. too much on web. too much worries. it´s now 7:12 a.m., my pc watch goes always 3 min back! ?? have to start day soon, problems over problems. it´s not a difficult life, it´s a shit life! difficulties you can practice to overcome, but not what I am going through. still posting at bdo, not always amusing, some people do not like me. why are people so mad about boards, why does they take it so serious??? lack of communication?? think so, must be so, the modern man and his wickedness. communicating a lot with a person in US, I was there for 3 weeks , no found again their address and posting with them, exchanging e-mails, ok, dear, you know life without you sucks, have fun, that will make me happy too. byeeeeeeeee harry

Sunday, April 09, 2006


crazy things are going on, miss you a lot, also I do not really know you. will I really publish? still so much doubting, and I will try not to talk about it much. money I will not get, but many some answers. had my first comment on the new blog, yahhhhhhh, I appreciate it a lot, was today by a friend, but he was sleeping, he just called me a few minutes ago, he had slept the whole time! from 5-9! it´s unbelievable! what are you doing?? sleeping through lonely nights I guess! at all don´t give up, have fun, and a nice week, your harry


talked with a friend about my lack of sports. it´s really depressing. but what can I do, i JUST FEEL comfortable doing nothing. on the otherside that´s not the whole truth. received the confirmation that my book will be published! yahhhhhhhhhhhhhh still some work on it to do. ok, I am overjoyed, so talk to you later.


I just saw brittany daniels father was running for mayor, I personally don´t think too much of politics. big politics is corruption and murdering. what is done to save real problems?? NOTHING. so much to my view on politics, my view on my own life is even darker! but irt was wonderful to see the blue sky, and smell the fresh air! I am now 26 , don´t know what I have achieved in this 26 years!?? maybe write again later, thanks , your harry

Saturday, April 08, 2006


I am just by a friend, he is not feeling good, telling me stuff about politics, oh my god. why is no one encouraging me?? miss you a lot also I know this love is vain. but how can I escape?? there is no way. haha. oh this post is getting crazy. I appreciate a lot your reading. it´s good to be around with cultured people. ok, this is my post for taoday. thanks your harry +


I am just by a friend, he is not feeling good, telling me stuff about politics, oh my god. why is no one encouraging me?? miss you a lot also I know this love is vain. but how can I escape?? there is no way. haha. oh this post is getting crazy. I appreciate a lot your reading. it´s good to be around with cultured people. ok, this is my post for taoday. thanks your harry +


a new start, a new day, but the same odd problems. still posting at brittany daniel forum. nice girl. I mean good looking. So yesterday a bird, was so happy, that they will resist humanity, that they will survive us. Nature is so wonderful. typed two pages, then turned to internet and a tea. I cannot see anymore my own writings. Worry about my life, have a bad feeling! hope you are ok. have no more feelings for you. maybe better. this faraway conversation, is really really crazy. I hope you can learn sth. from it. have to go offline, maybe will post today again, but more concerned about typing! harry

Friday, April 07, 2006


so done, I will try to post also there, but will promise Nothing. hope you are well, will at weekend do some typing. odd work. hope again you are well, ok, till tomorrow.( the others blog address is above in the title )


I forget sometimes to log out.! :( will create a new blog for the case this one gets cracked!


instead of writing I surfed! how bad! have to bring back a book to lib. still, how bad!

Thursday, April 06, 2006


crisis is my life, I will give you a view into that, no diet today!

things worry me a lot, I do not really feel good, hard life, bad life! thanks ,and still this blog for you c. harry


can not resist from watching nasty pics! sorry to say that. still this makes my life even harder. harry

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


can someone explain me this one: Sure.. and I need y also deep in my soul. After so long time, you know finally, how I feel for you.. But the decisive stepped y´ve to make now... trust! ;o) LGvB from nadann münster
I slowly but sure am getting mad! your harrys


what is a looser, in th eyes of god we are all humans! I really hate modern language. loosing weight, I am thinking and thinking about a solution, but with no success. everything is so mixed up and heavy. had to type some e-mails. hoping from a message of you, the only person I do love! and what makes me happy. and so on. harry

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


hate driving bus, but have to do it daily, have to become somehow again thin, really hard situation. I am sometimes so desperates, these times full of crimes is nothing for me! wish soemone could give me strength. harry


in this world full of hate, you wanna tell what to do
you have your car , your house, your life,
talk to me about getting to work, doing something senseful
you are catched up in your fanatasy dreams
that has meanwhile driven you mad, no way I cannot change my mind
you think by given your voice, you have done sth. for humanity
at all you have achieved so much, nothing but what
I care about, you go and talk always the same way
the same shit, you are as boring as piece of chalk
you think it´s time for me to die, don´t care about me
god had plans for us all, yeah I know haha
a lot of famous people think what they are doing is right, think
they are also real rebels, your rebellion is as strong
as a wind blew over the ocean, when the weather is clear
you say it´s everyone´s duty to go to army, you know it´s your buisness
to kill people, at the same time you mock about the president
better go and care about your wife you ugly piece of thing.

Monday, April 03, 2006


it don´t worked out with writing. haha. that was clear, was also not jogging. tomorrow work again. I will write a book on self discipline! I desperately need that! I know I am crazy! have a funny mood today. would love to write you e-mails, but hey it´s ok, how it is! have fun, wherever you are! harry


monday, same odd day, a little bit happy about work, not taking it really serious. what´s in your mind, what are you doing?? would be so nice if we could conversate, like man do, have less to write then the other days, played a little bit at the layout, changed some color numbers in html, the only thing I know about html, but hey now it looks different.. tomorrow I will remove the pic, it´s annoying, not everyone should know my face! hahahaha. have a nice day, I will try to work on a paper!

Sunday, April 02, 2006

spring and zen

have some demand to do zen poems:
darkness came after the day
what do you expect in this life
so short!

you and me
lost in the world
keep together what belongs together.

how are you doing? hope you are ok, because I am not! hehe

funny people

funny people at bdo , you should also join, and even only for guest, have typed 5 pages in the whole morning! not much , but it´s ok. need sno hurry. hope you are all well up, will I ever see you??


should be more disciplined, are going mad with time, still I am posting a lot, I don´t know for which reason. people just want to live their lifes they do not know anything about justice. about responsibility, they wanna make it in this society, the opposite of this race is there are a lot of broken lifes. it´s now sundays, have a lot of typing in front of me. always these fears about loosing the existence. but I my own choosed this way. it´s all so crazy. I cannot believe I failed, it´s hard to recognize. ok, lessons, I have no lessons for you today, maybe I write this evening again , lessons, just keep easy that´s all. ok I will now turn to typing. in love...

Saturday, April 01, 2006


still don´t know with whom you are engaged, I will soon remove the pic, and so on..


I was out jogging! after three weeks struggling with my self. just listening to pearl jam. ok, you wanted need an introduction into my world. my world of poor people broken lifes, never lived dreams, down going stars of intellect, forgotten heros, wise but despaired men, masters of zen. long time dead, and so on. you really want an introduction into this world, oh live better your dead life. I will start with education. education is a very important thing. don´t leave it to someone else, teach your son to learn to learn by his own. that´s the only advice I can give you. for now. locke has written a curious book on education, I read it but i don´t think his book is very good, argh, let´s forget about locke , this genius with a humbled mind but bad luck in life. this was locke, oh dear locke where are you now to see that you weren´t alone, I am just like you! just like you. I am so sick of all this mtv trash of all of my life. you wanna hear about education?? maybe later, the way you are doing it is not write, a child is the end of any marriage you should know that. the only responsibility you have is now only the child.
we are living in times of pornography and lack of discipline. people feel they can do anything after work, and in work. brittany daniel for example devoted herself to her role in SVH but didn´t realize it was just a role she became herself like jessica, living an unsatisfied life. I hope you understand me, you wanted to have lessons. here a photo of someone who didn´t make it. someone i do not like. ;) it´s me, so take it as a start, you always wanted to know how I look like ok enough for this post.

11th post

very impressing title, hope you are well, things will change but not in the good direction!

10th post

damn I have to do sth. about my outerappearance, easy to say, hard to do, damn my whole life is cracking me up, I know death is soon, because of fancial problems, but I will still not care, care about what, about this damned mankind, ok, have fun, the 10 th post, pretty much for a couple that has lived away from each other! posting a lot at bdo, crazy people.

what to write

i hate it when i forget the title, at all it´s weekend, and i have set myself a lot of goals. scared of life, scared of what is happening to me. have soon to go off, things were so slow and nice, but you put a faster modus into them, that´s exiting, but i do not like really fast tempo, questions you arouse with no answer, in this corrupt world, things will only get worse for me. we know we cannot win, but cannot stop loving, a modern romeo and julia, no, more a poor guy, loving rich women, a drama of its own! hehe in love harry