new start

the c. blog, where are you c.? comments welcomed no matter about what...

Friday, March 31, 2006


had a kind of feeling of death today, will not explain why, some office stuff, a letter I received. everything is so confused, the life you are living is so far away from my life, so different, you should make my expereinces then you would know why i long for sainty, in love harry


always hard to find a fine title, gonna now go soon in typping. not very interested in what I write my own. people think I have a bad lief, they do not what bad is, people so childish. seems my frustration leads me to more writing. anger I cannot say, I am not allowed. wish nothing more, not for me or for anyone else. life is vain, we humans of the modern always overdo it. there is nothing normal in this life. I have to make decisions still and choices, that no one understand. people search so much for exitement that they never get what exitement is, what a mess they are for the world. because how is superman doing( your husband) sorry I can not name him other, he is one of this hollywood idiots, but man has needs and you have needs and probably wanted if you are only half famous become inclined with a famous person. why are all modern man such idiots. better not ask, other wise you will dy. haha that´s really the right answer. for what reason is the tv there, to see people you wanna meet but cannot?? that´s really ace. ftw


still cannot believe what has happened to me and I am not talking of you, will type this weekend more of my writings into the f. computer. still waiting for an answer from you, also I know it´s impossible. ok, have fun, or whatever. I am unable to change anything!!!!!!!!!!!! things will not get better, they will get worse! that´s the modern times. harry


a fresh and the same s*** , I feel so lost in this society, don´t know what to do, live from day to day, you know my story and so on. man is only getting for his material stuff, you never accepted too that you could become an idol, a person to rescue others, people just are too weak for that. tried 1999 suicide, so why should I care about you, it´s just I have nothing better to do. you are nice, no doubt, so I should stay. have still a lot to learn about man, his unability in his thoughts to think and care. there would be a lot to say, but how to do it from very far, you have the feeling your life is alright, I think your life is still a shame life. that´s sounds hard?? but what is there that would clue me to you? I would probably have forgotten you, if you would not have written. so far, have to face day, sounds curious, ha, you don´t know, harry

Thursday, March 30, 2006


first do whatever YOU want, what saves your soul, not what is recommended from you, oh girl, you have still a lot to learn. marriage is nothing in our times, especially where you are, believe better not trust him, that´s not a attempt to get you back, it´s true. but it´s hard to see the truth, when you believe you have it. courage is sth. very seldom, and you still lack a lot of it. you wanna learn from me, there is nothing to teach, except what is in your heart. otherwise suscribe for a college. you asked me stay or not? is this about staying or not? I never thought of wanting you, no , but dealing with a person feeling omnipotent is too hard. you know who I mean. but at all I feel at all as much for you as you for me. you need me, so make the circumstances possible. forget about him, let him dy inside of you. forget about genes. that the only path for you, I think you gonna make this way, it´s not so hard, because you know what you can win...

new start

new start but she has not written sth. like this!

at least she could have write sth. like this: It's hard to explain, but when you know you know, I was so amazed by you, I need you in my heart, my body, mind and soul, it only took a moment to take my breath away. Will you stay?
then I would stay. but have to laugh, that will probably hurt you most.
what can I now write about? we are all wicked?? wow great statement.

new start

the adventures with c. was a disappointment, a married woman one should avoid,-I just didn´t know she is-, especially when the husband is an ass. so a new start, I will deal with my thoughts, hope soon to come with more...