new start

the c. blog, where are you c.? comments welcomed no matter about what...

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

the worth of common sense

What I desperately need is a lecture on common sense, because I really lack of it, someone has first to prove that such a thing does at all exist! I mean that this not such an empty moral demand but sth. real! common sense wouzld be for me very helpful, as I really don´t want to get in conflict with society and mankind, but I always do. I totally lack of common sense. so anyone out there having a diplom in common sense please teach me out of my situation! serioooooously!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

new life

I hav ebeen sick for some days and it really felt not all too good. suzie, thanks for your comment, you have true faith and really magik in your life. I must say that most people with faith, are not people (I am speaking on our times) who have this I was always successful and am successful course of life, this people just suck for me, they are unispired , arrogant and selfish. I find real feeling and eternal truth at people with grave problems. the most successful person of 20th was the german leader , he came out of nothing and ruled a whole country, with which result? billions of dead people, the worship of success of our modern time should be really critically analyzed. all this hype about wearing dolce gabana and whatever, is of course not a new fascism, but it´s not real, it´s not based on a root of life.
I have come to the point to admit my unability to live my life, to earn a living, to be a rich guy, but with that a new life starts, in the process of admiting where you belong to, you get rid of the desire to be more to belong somewhere else. who are my heroes? I could nam ethem, but no one would really know them. One of them is Michael Jordan, yeah I still have role models who are alive, also this sounds curious, my thoughts are rooted in 19th and 20th century authors, also in few of them,
so much fo now, live your life, don´t try to live it after a script, life is no theater! harry

Friday, November 24, 2006

back to blogger

I am often called a negative person, people accuse that they can have no fun with me and that I see things only dark. most of these people telling me that are not my friends, but it does hurt when people say that. because they often mean it was a waste of time conversating with you. At all I have no the feeling that they are much people who share my views, normally because they don´t understand what I am talking about, mostly I am judging things due to their value in the intellectuall progress of mankind, or to put it easier, what has someone to tell new? the problem of our time is, people does not read anymore books, so they role up dscussion that were subject in 15th century, that are at the level of knowledge of then. so you see I am again becoming negative! haha, seems that´s just the way I think. at all I am a little crazy person, so you should know that dealing with me, you better be warned ! :) harry

Monday, November 20, 2006

why get confused?

Why get confused when things in life turns the way you don´t want? we are living in odd times, where personal success counts above all measures. everyone tries to get more in this run for wealth, reputation, education whatever it is called. I don´t really feel comfortable in this world. I don´t think I ever gonna feel comfortable in this world. So many things are not real, are made for little kids. so many people feel mature, without being it. I openly confess I give a shit on education by people I meet, because I belong to a part of the society, where everyday is a fight for surviving, for not getting angry, loosing control and so on. I judge people not by their words , but by their actions, you have no other choice if you are in my position, you cannot effort it mentally to be betrayed, I have not a golden american express card, with which I can buy me stuff to get distracted. to be true I see no more challenge in doing what society what´s me to, but I want to be challenged. so much for now, if you don´t wanna get frutrated like that, better think eriously on what you are doing, fast comes the point where you feel burned out! harry

Friday, November 17, 2006

dream and reality

had a bad day, really feel down, have so many things to do, I do not do. life is boring, and stressing...

Sunday, November 12, 2006

new start

an iranians view that comes very close to US views, sure people in Iran some will share this views too.

wow what a weird post

wow my last post has been pretty weird, hope soon to talk sth. better :)

the world

First of all I must say that I do not think that there is still sth. like nations, it´s everywhere the same, everyone runs and rushes for more money, more reputation, more influence, more goods, and so on. I cannot understand this father an unable man, never cared about us, we have of course enough to eat and so, but for example before I was born he build a house and he draw it by himself, and it was like we had two little rooms to live in and a 100m^2 100m square big guest hall. where we were not allowed to enter. my father always gave me the feeling that I never gonna take it far. he has been probably the most discouraging person in my life. at all I never lived in luxus, I always has just as much as was enough to live, and still nowdays I am overjoyed if I have the money to buy a cd in a month. I know I could be in better position, but I am like hating earning money, I saw all these rich people in Iran and they were so different from me, I thought that being rich must be a case of snobs, I never thought slightly of earning money, I always felt like I belong to the poor people. I never learned the value of money, and now it´s too late. I am not impressed when a Michael Jordan says he earns 60 million a year. I don´t know why. It even piss me off when people talk like that. People talking like yeah I worked hard for my money, damn they are a lot of people who are working hard or even would work harder, but not earn 100 million the year. So I don´t really was born in a situation to share the ideals of this modern world. I don´t say they are bad, a lot of progress has been brought by money horney persons, but for me such things have no value, like internet is not invented by noble minds, and also I use internet, I cannot say I respect the people who have invented it. at the end september 11 would have maybe not been possible through internet. So when I talk about Iran, I will not change this background, of feeling like a foreigner in this world, no matter where I live. and if I talk about Iran to you, then for correcting your views, not for praising Iran. I saw things there, like my teacher hitting a little child , you know that give you the feeling that there is no rule in the world, that there is no way for you to success, then to be an asshole and do what other people wants from you. But now to the subject, before I get to much close to personal problems of me.
Iran is a curious country, first of all it is not a arabic country. but has been conquered by arabs I think in 11 century or so. Fanatic thinking is only a part of the life in Iran. For the people in Iran the fanatic talk is not much worse then the idea of the west that when conquering Iran bring democracy to the country. The people who are poor, see no hope, but that ´s not the group that build up the fanatic part of Iran. It are more those who are wealthy. And yes it is right that Iran is a threat to the west. As I said the leading and wealthy elite is fanatic. Iran is a country where gays are hanged, that´s also Iran. It´s just a year ago where I read that two gay young men where hanged. I personally feel more comfortable in Iran, there I have not all these psychic pain, but there I would have troubles to earn a living. but let´s say I win a million dollar or say ten, the first thing I would do would be probably to go back to iran. you know I don´t care much about politics, but I am tired of the thinking of europe, like all Iranians are moslems, and then further, moslems are terrorists, and we have to fight terrorists. damn we are living in a world where any ass can buy guns and explosives, what the hell has that to do with Islam, US has spend 100 billions on war on terror, and a great propaganda that how just this war is. I am just sick of all these talk , I am not a terrorist, but since 11 september I just feel like I am one. so I would like to go back to Iran, because the way the west treat the east is not right in my view. I guess when I am six months in Iram I want again to leave, you know I belong to neither part, because I have an odd view, I don´t think that terrorism is the main fight of our century.
What I cannot deny is that Iran is hating US , and that US does hate Iran, so I am not on the side of Iran, but I am not going to say, hey US it´s good to invade Iran. I have a radical view, that the civilized world is maybe a proud world, but they all lack of the same mistakes then the uncivilzed world. I should say I suck at politics, I get only emotional. when I try to talk about politics, I just get all mixed up. I really see no surprise in 9 11 because I know these fanatics from my own experience, and I see no surprise in the reaction, because I know that the way big politics is run. so what I see is only a confused mankind. damn before I get stamped as a new Moore, I will stop for this post. really I admit this not an easy post, a lot of my personal problems play a great role in the background, I will try to post again on this topic.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

death and war

From that what I read at Walkovers blog ( and that what I get from Jenna, I think a lot of people ask themselves what actually is happening there in Iraq. As I read a lot of history books AND HAVE lived ten years in Iran, in a country from some custom, but especially from economy simliar to Iraq, I may try to answer the question. I don´t think or believe that the situation in Iraq is hopeless, right now the Us policy is let´s wait till the Iraqis get tired of bombing and civil war, that a policy that could work in two or three years, that means another 2000 soldiers from the allied forces dead, soldiers who have could have a beautiful life in Europe. How will we who live this life, justify the death of these people, that´s a harsh moral problem the west is facing. is there a fast way to sucess in Iraq? I think so, spend a lot of money in the economy of this country, I mean pay anyone very well who wants to change anything in Iraq. and reduce the forces in Iraq. The problem is US trust too much in his troops, you have to choose the soft way I suggested, Chuck Norris is saying the troops are fighting for th efreedom of Iraq, that´s wrong, Iraq is now at the most possible state of freedom. the troops has done their job, now in my opinion it´s time, that US and GB spend a looot of money in Iraq, they need to run Basra port at high standard and so on, of course terrorists will try to disturb this events, but if buisness in Iraq brings mmoney, the Iraqis or middle east investors will find a way to stop rooters, as they would no longer get help from the population, what is NOW actually the case. I don´t know maybe I am an always dreamer, but to say we cannot build up Iraq because they are terrorists is a thing that is not acceptable for me. For most people probably yes,
to the soldiers in Iraq, most of them wil lprobably be traumatized, but that does not need to mean that their life is over, they have risked their life for a well being of Iraq and the security of US, they have seen probably awful things, but they can feel pride, of course they wil not apt again in normal life in US, they will need care and a place where they can again feel at home. that is a thing no one really understands, the way is this: you are traumatized, you are out of life, so modern psychiatrists think, that a crime in my opinion, what has to listen to the need of the veterans, some may turn to public and speak about their experiences. all of them will try to find a way to solve the inner conflicts they are in, and one should listen to these people, to their needs, a lot wil feel guilty for killing Iraqis, for have been done so, that sth. you cannot prevent, if you kill someone even for a just case and in war, you cannot forget that you have killed a human being, you will think like why haven´t we both sides just put the guns away. we hadn´t any hostility toward each other, we just don´t know each other. I think that a lot of people in war aren´t too proud of the number of enemies they have killed.
coming back to Chuck Norris, he explains , th ecase is this , we are in Iraq and have to handle the situation. I can again not agree, one have to answer was the war justified, because if not one has to search and seek for those people who are responsible for an unjust war, it´s pity that Mr. Norris, who I liked much, is so proud of his friendship with the Bush family. But I believe most of the US citiziens wil agree that next time a war should be started on more profound proofs, not saying after six months, oh we made a mistake , the hints toward massdestructions weapons was false. I don´t know anyone who have visit a soldiers cementry will agree that decisions in politics should be based on rational facts. a war is NOT a game. A lot of people in europe don´t understand that, like we have the better weapons, what was there against invading Iraq or whatever. Damn war is deathly serious, if you sit in the tank and shoot at enemy soldiers, the thought may come to your sense that the soldiers are also father of kids, I think a lot of people misses to see also right what the philosophy of middle east is. for them an explosion in a city is sth. not to worry toomuch about, they have to fight with poverty and so on. as we cannot understand th epeople in east, they can also not understand why the US makes such a fuss on a terror attack, democracy is a dream for them, even th eUS could not bring that to them.

besides I was working out today, that helps me a lot, to say clear in mind and worry less on my life... so much now, puh what a long post!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

5 min post

Thanks Jenna for the comment, I was three when a bomb came down 50 m of our house. I had not bad injuries , but had what psychiatrists call a trauma. It is always hard for me to understand war, what sense had it that rooters are destroying Iraq.
I have to leave in 5 min. so a short post. winter is coming, it´s already getting cold here. the leaves has turned yellow and orange. Maybe I should use the time for a longer walk??
5 min. over! have all a nice day Harry

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

life and war

I gave my new post this spectacluar title, because that probably desribes the situation there best, war has become your everydays bread. I first thought it´s a good thing to remove Saddam, yeah, that´s what I really thought, I believed there are weapons of mass destruction and I believed that Iraq would become a democracy. But now the situation turned out to be completely different, but the leadership of the army of the government and so on, is not apting to this situation. They give no real information how the state of the country is, except the one there are attacks each day. But where are these attacks, what is the motivation behind it all, and how can such attacks be planned and executed? these important questions remains in the dark, I have the belief that without an answer to these questions there will also be not any solution in Iraq.
Fact is it was told that the troops will be deminished , but that does not happen, that must frustrate a lot of mothers and fathers in US, fact is maybe also, that they promised(the US gov.) Iraqis a free nation, as Pr. Bush said: " A free nation is a peaceful nation." but as these romises could not be fulfilled the frustration is big in Iraq. It is here I think a case in history where you cannot find someone guilty for these situation, except the Iraqi insurrgents, but on the otherside one can accept that the new invaders should have been able to CONTROL the country, not just to open up their camps there. So the question who is guilty for this situation makes ( to me) no sense.
What is the best to do? I do not dare( seriously ) to answer this question. I just can only wait to see what happens next. But to be true what happens there lies like a grey cloud on my soul. I self experienced the Iraq-Iran war, it was so bad to see people next to you just disappearing from one day to another and never coming back. Who can blame the common people now , that hate has become the ruler of their hearts and that this case is going to be a rough one, no matter which road one chooses...
Jenna thanks for your comments, it´s good to hear such an opinion from an US person, because I believe not in evil US, but that we are all somehow human, and try to find a good way of life, ...
Walkover your address is definetly ending with I am pretty sure , because you made this mistake earlier, look into your past posts! :)
and I need to think on a diet, also I have started working out, I am eating too much. and so on. Harry

Saturday, November 04, 2006


hello Sarah, since your site is not working correctly , I will add my comment here. you have a really busy saturday, I always sleep whole day , I mean half day, go out a little bit, visit my mother and that was it. today I tried to work out, but was so unmotiviated I left gym early.
so much till now harry

Friday, November 03, 2006


I hope this time the link is working, thank you jenna for the hint.
They are two different views on Iraq: one: it´s outer control, second: it´s a necessary war and we will win it.
To jenna, you know the death number in iraq(civilians and soldiers) is 1000 the month. That makes 30 victims per day. A lot of soldiers has seen there a lot of bad stuff and over 1000 has died, maybe some adventorous people like it there, but normally it´s great pressure and danger to serve in Iraq, and a solution still seems to be far.
Is Iraq out of control? The people there still lack of electricity and water, so order you cannot say is there in Iraq, but most alarming is that now a civil war between the different tribes could come up. So Iraq is near to Chaos I would say.
Is it a necessary war? well when it´s necessary it will be going long and cost a lot of lifes. How long can US finance this war? thi is still another question. Sth. has gone wrong in Iraq, so better leave, I know most people will not agree, but this at now my opinion.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Thanks Sarah for your comment, maybe life is just there that one does not think on it, maybe thinking on life is the beginning of wisdom, at all one cannot bear long time the idea of nothing.
Today I had a day off, today was a free day, I saw again a report on the Iraq war, I really feel sorry for those US soldiers who are there, they are somehow just a target, nothing else.